
AllPythonFlaskDockerOpenCVReactNextJSJamstackTypescriptFront-endJavaScriptNodeJSMongoDBGraphQLJavaKotlinScalaThreadingNetworkingWeb DesignUnityAndroid DevAugmented Reality3D Modelling
Table Extraction

Table Extraction

A line-based framework to detect and extract tabular data in JSON format from raster images using computer vision and Tesseract OCR.



The latest design iteration of my portfolio following the Jamstack architecture, statically built using NextJS with content managed through the headless Sanity CMS.

Maths Advance

Maths Advance

A subscription platform for GCSE grade students to solve unique, tailor-made challenging maths questions along with video explanations to boost their grade and achieve better results.

Project Management

Project Management

A JVM application for project managers to manage projects and teams, keep track of tasks and calculate the critical tasks and the expected duration of a project.

Blog list

Blog list

A full stack application to save blogs, built to learn React and NodeJS. It features interacting with a MongoDB database, user authentication, testing and continuous integration through Vercel.

Chat Room

Chat Room

A Java peer-to-peer chatroom application where people can send messages and communicate with each other in real time using sockets over a network connection.

Note Taking App

Note Taking App

Note taking app is an application built with Java that allows students to record notes for their lectures on a laptop and classify them by module.



I was hired as a freelance web designer for the Forex trading company EasyFX. Working together with the client, I successfully designed a logo and developed a website meeting their specific requirements.



As part of Fujitsu Operation Innovation 2018, my team and I identified a problem found in a number of sectors: integration. The solution? Augmented Reality, BYOD and Fujitsu Technology.

Safari Animals AR

Safari Animals AR

An augmented reality Unity project I developed during my internship at Inition to improve my skills in 3DS Max and Unity